Former Tennessee Democratic Party Employee Replaces Will Pinkston on Nashville School Board


Freda Player-Peters, a former employee of both the Tennessee Democratic Party and the Metro employees’ union, has replaced Will Pinkston as the District 7 representative on the Nashville School Board.

This, according to Nashville Public Radio, which also reported that Player-Peters recently worked as the liaison between the mayor’s office and the Metro Council.

“Now she takes over the school board’s District 7, which is the city’s most diverse. The seat was vacated by former member Will Pinkston, setting in motion a Metro Charter amendment that moved the power to appoint a replacement into the hands of the Metro Council,” according to Nashville Public Radio.

“In her nomination letter, Player-Peters said she wants to address inequities in education and work with ‘urgency and selflessness’ in what she sees as a crucial moment in Nashville history. She also touted her understanding of city and state policies and budgeting.”

Player-Peters was chosen with 26 council member votes. The runner-up was teacher Kevin Stacy, according to the radio station.

As reported in March, when Pinkston resigned he called the school board “impossibly inept.”

While on the board, Pinkston frequently engaged in Twitter debates, as reported, even repeatedly calling people out as “nitwits.”

In his resignation letter, Pinkston cites a wide range of issues with the board, which makes it “clearly chronically ill in ways that will not be easily cured.” One of those issues is related to employee compensation and a budget that he says is “shaping up to be pure fiction and ignores the city’s current revenue restraints.”

Perhaps Pinkston’s strongest disparagements of the board were related to criticism of former Metro Nashville Public Schools Director, Dr. Shawn Joseph, which Pinkston called “racially motivated attacks.” Pinkston also admonished, “The dishonest and unfair treatment of the first African-American superintendent in the history of Nashville should give the entire community pause.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Freda Player-Peters” by Fred Player-Peters. Background Photo “Metro Nashville School Board of Education” by Metro Nashville School Board of Education.




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4 Thoughts to “Former Tennessee Democratic Party Employee Replaces Will Pinkston on Nashville School Board”

  1. lb

    Why cant Johnny read? Because the leaders are all picked, not on qualifications but on POLITICAL leanings. What the HECK is wrong with Nashville???
    WHERE are the Conservatives fighting every day?

  2. paulj

    If this was a representative democracy, the school board member in that district would not speak English as a first language and actually not at all.

  3. 83ragtop50

    More of the same liberal garbage.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Sad but true.
